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May 21st – Capsule 21


BIBLE TEXT: Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need – Hebrews 4 vs 16.

Jesus made it easy for the church today, to access the Heavenly Father through his Sacrifice on the cross, His Word and the gift of the Holy Spirit. God operates in love and faith and expects from mankind the same actions. “ Therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace”, Apostle Paul got this revelation as stated in his letter to the Hebrews, that to approach God and the things of the Kingdom of God, we must not be afraid, nor fret but be courageous.

Fear corrupts and stains believers faith by introducing doubts and insecurities around the lives of brethren. The Word of God says, ‘For God has not given us the spirit of fear”. This kind of fear is a limitation, a spiritual virus and a disease to man. The kingdom of God to believers speaks of the heavenly family in Christ Jesus and only holy reverence is needed not the kind of fear that kills. 

Young David was very courageous and God loved him for that. David faced so many obstacles and enemies, but never ran from the will of God. He faced Goliath boldly though he was unarmed unlike the Philistine, but he trusted in the name of the Lord. Testimonies and victories are certain when we trust God. To be courageous is to trust the Lord and when such relationship is established, diverse sorts of manifestations begin to occur.

Stop living in fear and start living a courageous life. Get up and face your fears by living a righteous life, speaking the truth and trusting the voice of the Lord. The good news is, God never fails, the Word of God tells us what pleases God and it is faith born in courage.

Prayer: I cast out every spirit of fear in me and I receive the boldness required to live a glorious life void of fear and doubts.

Insight: Knowing God gives you courage and a massive edge over the devil.


  1. When the soul of a man is healthy, surely courage is in such individual

  2. May the Lord strengthen our hearts to always be courageous in Jesus mighty name.


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