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May 11th – Capsule 11


BIBLE TEXT: Redeeming the time, because the days are evil – Ephesians 5 vs. 16

How many times have you said, “I will do it tomorrow?” sometimes you put somethings off because you don’t think you know enough, can’t do it well enough. The fact is, there is no magic age at which excellence emerges and quality suddenly surfaces.

Thomas Jefferson was 33 when he drafted the Declaration of Independence. Charles Dickens was 24 when he began his Pickwick Papers, and 25 when he wrote Oliver Twist. Newton was 24 when he formulated The Law of Gravity.

A second danger is to think that creativity and invention belong to the young. Not so! Emmanuel Kant wrote his finest philosophical work at age 74. Verdi at 80 produced crossing the Bar, and Michelangelo completed his greatest work at 87, Moses was 80 when he led God’s people out of Egypt and 120 when he got to Canaan. Seize the day! Redeem the new moments of your life. Because the time and age you are waiting for may never arrive!

Prayer: Lord I cast out every spirit of procrastination in Jesus name.

Insight: The moment, once passed, will never return. So do it now!


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