BIBLE TEXT: EPHESIANS 4 VS 32 – Be kind and helpful to one another, tender-hearted (compassionate; understanding), forgiving one another (readily and freely), just as God in Christ also forgave you. [AMP]
Friendship is a way of life to be adopted. As believers we must be our brethren's neighbours and unit of assistance. Christ Jesus calls us friends, that’s why he reveals Himself to us when we come to Him, for salvation and mercy. Every member of the body of Christ must walk in love and to do so we must be kind and helpful to one another both amongst Christians and unbelievers. Our reach is not only to the saved but to those out there in ignorance. (A friend to those in need).
Christ taught on this about a man on transit from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves who stole everything from this man and wounded him, leaving him half dead. And by chance a priest saw him and passed another way, same thing was done and by a levite, both men left this man suffering in pains. Except a Samaritan (foreigner) that passed and had compassion on the wounded man and dressed the wounds properly and took proper care and still gave an assurance of provision of any more need.
Are you a friend to those in need or will you constantly turn a blind eye to that poor neighbour starving at home, that wounded soul, that misguided sinner? Be kind to everyone, as you walk in love, be a channel of blessings to as much as are in need.
Prayer: Help me Jesus, to be a good friend to my neighbour.
Insight: Be a good friend to those in need.
Help me Lord to walk in true love with those you direct my way.