BIBLE TEXT: MARK 9 VS 2-3 – And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadth them up into a high mountain apart by themselves; and he was transfigured before them. And His raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them.
Every individual is decorated with a garment and the garment on you shows your true identity and state in the presence of God spiritually. A mad man, spiritually will be on a dirty garment, a sinful man will also have on him or herself a dirty or spotted garment. Zech. 3vs3 – Now Joshua was clothed (spiritually) with filthy garments, and stood before the angel of the LORD. You cannot hide your true nature or identity from the Lord, you may succeed in deceiving others but God sees us clearly.
Jesus Christ revealed himself to three of his disciples, who were privileged to behold the glory of God on the mountain Of Transfiguration. His spiritual identity was seen as white as snow that no dry cleaner or laundry man on earth with the strongest bleaching agent could perform a washing session to make it that clean.
As a Christian you have a robe on you, which Christ Jesus presented to you on the day of salvation. It is called righteousness. When you walk like Christ in obedience to the will of the Father without little besetting sins, you'll appear in white robes. Many children of God today have had the privilege of seeing God’s anointed servants in such a state via dreams, visions or an encounter of glory and some beheld the glory and some beheld the Lord.
How white is your robe beloveth? Are you still secretly involved in sinful acts or are you washed daily with the blood of Christ? It took mercy for Joshua the high priest to have a change of raiment. Examine yourself today, are you with spots or looking filthy? Or are you white as snow?
Prayer: Dear Father, I seek your mercy and your blood to wash me clean as I confess my sins in Jesus name.
Insight: Righteous living is the only way to be made white as snow.
Dear Father wash me clean with your Blood Lord Jesus.