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BIBLE TEXT: JOHN 10 VS 4 – And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.

The Israelites enjoyed God’s protection on all sides, as the LORD went before them as a sun and a shield, and no good thing was ever withheld from them. He gave them victories also, over nations and kingdoms. We must understand that following Jesus is the only way to survive and succeed in life. 

The Egyptians pursued the children of Israel to enslave them back after their liberation from years of captivity and  bondage but the Lord was with them as their guide. When your direction is the person of the Holy Spirit, all you need to do is to follow and nothing will be able to hinder you or stop you - Exodus 14 vs 19. Living with Christ is so wonderful and glorious with Jesus as our Chief Shepherd guiding us safely, directing us, instructing us and doing us good all the way. As a child of God you don’t need to fear. II Tim. 1 vs 7 – God has not given you the spirit of fear.  

All He is saying to you is follow him as Lord and Saviour and He’ll go ahead of you. Imagine a mighty force greater than huge trucks and it starts clearing the way for you and fighting all your battles. No mountain too high or valley too deep that he can’t reach, even death has no power over him when he's leading the way. 

For 40 years the children of Israel walked through the wilderness and Christ was their source and supplier of basic amenities and provisions as well as spiritual necessities. They drunk the water from Him and ate manna from above, not  one of them was feable or paralyzed for he sent his angels to take charge over them.

Prayer: Lord Jesus I will follow you for the rest of my life.

Insight: Let Jesus lead the way in your life and nothing will be able to stand in your way.


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