BIBLE TEXT: 1 Corinthians 9 vs. 26(TM) – I’m running hard for the finish line. I’m giving it everything I’ve got. No sloppy living for me. I’m staying alert and in top condition.
You need to watch the Olympics, you should have seen the place! Billion dollars’ worth of new construction, million visitors and thousands of athletes and their trainers from all over the world competing for Olympic Gold. No hour was too early to rise; no distance too great to run; no sacrifice too great in order to win.
Listen to how Paul described it: “You’ve all been to the stadium to see the athletes run. Every one runs; one wins! Run to win! (1 Corinthians 9 vs. 24 paraphrase). Brethren, use today to sow the seeds of Christian character into the lives of your friends, strive for excellence, whether you sweep streets or build skyscrapers.
Reach out in love and touch someone with kindness, expecting nothing in return, and be assured that every thought, every word and every deed will be rewarded at the end of the race. Don’t let anything keep you from reaching the finish line.
Paul said, “I’m not going to be caught napping; telling everyone else about it, and then missing out myself” (1 Corinthians 9 vs. 27 paraphrase). Come on, Child of God, this calls for discipline! It calls for endurance! It calls for you to sacrifice lesser things in order to win a crown of glory.
Prayer: Father Give me the grace to run well, the race set before me and become a winner at the end in Jesus name.
Insight: the Word for you today is “Go for the Gold!”
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