DATE: September 27, 2021
TOPIC: Manipulative Suggestion (the devil’s way into your mind)
BIBLE TEXT: Ephesians 4vs27 – Neither give place to the devil. (KJV)
Don’t give the slanderous accuser, the devil, an opportunity to manipulate you!
Man is a spirit, with a soul that lives in a body. These are the complete make-up of every male and female oh earth today. And looking at the spirit, once you’re saved, you become part of Christ, while your soul which comprises of your mind, emotions, will and others responses need to be taught the word of God. It is your soul that Satan aims to manipulate, in order to control and destabilize your life. Looking at Mrs. Eve Adam, the first woman on earth, who yielded to the suggestions of the deceiver Satan and made her husband fall into sin and death.
Brethren, we have the authority and power in Christ Jesus to shut every strange voice of the devil suggesting deceits and shame disguised as a way out of trouble. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy don’t give him place in your mind and heart. Shut him out; if he comes ten times rebuke him ten times and at each rebuke, he will flee…… James 4vs7. So many believers are falling into the lures of Satan’s manipulative way by giving thought to his voice. As a child of God, you should yield to the Holy Ghost and shun the voice of the devil always.
Philippians 4vs8 – when a thought, idea or insight drops in you, run it through this system; is TRUE, HONEST, JUST, PURE, LOVELY, OF A GOOD REPORT, is there any VIRTUE, is there any PRAISE? If it does then it’s from God and it doesn’t then it is Satan suggesting to you, don’t hesitate quickly rebuke him and bring all thoughts and imagination in obedience to Christ Jesus.
Prayer: LORD, I receive the grace to rebuke Satan’s manipulative suggestions.
Insight: Give no though to the devil’s words, his seeds are corrupt.
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