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The Shelter of Your Wings

DATE - March 18th, 2022

TOPIC - The Shelter of Your Wings 

BIBLE TEXT - Psalm 61:1-4 KJV
Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer. [2] From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. [3] For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy. [4] I will abide in thy tabernacle for ever: I will trust in the covert of thy wings. Selah.

In contrast to yesterday’s verses from Luke 2:36-38, this psalm was not penned by someone in the safety and comfort of the temple’s walls but by one who was surrounded by his enemies or perhaps even imprisoned in the midst of a war. As he longs to escape to the rocky wilderness, he feels overwhelmed and weak. But instead of focusing on his inadequacy and spiraling into despair, he focuses on God, cries out to him, and finds strength in who the Lord is—his refuge, his fortress, his towering rock of safety. 

But the psalmist didn’t seek God’s protection and presence only for that particular time. He yearned for the day he would live safely under the shadow of God’s wings forever. 
Are you overwhelmed today? Do you feel inadequate or weary? Look to God, your towering rock of safety, for help. He has promised never to fail you or forsake you. Read Psalm 61 aloud as your expression of love and worship today.

We are safe in Yahweh's keeping, Safe in temptation’s hour. Safe in the midst of perils, Kept by almighty power. Safe when the tempest rages, Safe though the night be long; Even when our sky is darkest God is our strength and our song.

LORD, I cry to you for help, for you are my refuge. Even though my heart feels overwhelmed, you alone can lead me to your towering rock of safety. You are my fortress, Lord, and my enemies scatter in your presence. I long to dwell with you forever and to rest beneath the shelter of your wings. Thank you for providing such a safe place for me to live—in your presence.

Why not turn to Jesus Christ and seek more of Him today.


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