July 22nd, 2022
Spirit-Controlled Life
Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. If your sinful nature controls your mind, there is death. But if the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life and peace.
Romans 8:5-6
There are so many forces in the world that aim to control our minds: the media, trends and advertising, secular philosophy, and materialism. Yet none of these brings us real life. Through computers, television, malls, and music, the enemy comes in like a flood to distract us, capture our minds, and dominate our thoughts. There’s also our own sinful nature, which today’s verses say will lead to death if we give over the controls of our life to it.
But the good news is in the last part of verse 6: “If the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life and peace.” Yielding (submitting) our minds and thoughts to Christ Jesus will result in a spirit of calmness, a quiet confidence that he is in control no matter what is happening in the world around us. When the Spirit controls us, we are able to think about things that please God and, as this verse describes, He will allow our hearts to experience life and peace.
LORD, I want your Holy Spirit to control my mind, heart, and thoughts so that I can experience life and peace. I yield my mind to you today. Direct my thoughts. Cause me to think about things that please you. Guard my mind from being controlled by anything that is contrary to your ways. Thank you for setting me free from sin and death through the power of your life-giving Spirit!
Holy Spirit, think through me until your ideas become my ideas.
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