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Defeating Goliath

9th August, 2022

Defeating Goliath

Bible Text:
Proverbs 18:10 KJV
The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

Defeating the enemy is the work of the Lord and not ours. Christ has won the grave, sin and death all at once while He was on earth. Hallelujah! This victory-mindset is what we should take into battles and confrontations of life. It is the name of the Strongest being in existence that sets us free from strongholds and strong men and all the forces of darkness. The name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God is a strong name. Taking refuge under Him guarantees total victory and safety from all harms and attacks.

Young David went to see his brethren at the battle field and soon realized that the enemy was a strong one but the LORD God of Israel was much stronger. This built up his confidence, remembering his testimonies over the beasts he slaughtered which attacked his sheep, and David took a stand & God gave him victory over Goliath and the Philistine armies. (Study 1 Samuel 17:1-58) David functioned from victory, and this is how Christ Jesus wants us His beloved, to approach matters that confronts us in life. Satan and his forces are defeated foes, and they operate through doubt, fears, ignorance and disobedience but only few believers have this knowledge. The whole Israeli armies were afraid of one man because they lacked the mindset of victors. 

Defeating Goliath is easy when you know your God, you can know Him by studying your Bible, meditating on the Word of God, praying with the Word and putting them into practice. Be a doer of the Word and you'll see and receive a massive turn around and victory.

• Heavenly Father, I thank you for your victorious name given to your church. By the mercies of the Lord I walk in victory. 
• Every Goliath standing against my life and family and peace, hear the word of God be stoned to death in Jesus name.
• I claim my victory and I possess new grounds in Jesus name.

Always remember that the name of Jesus Christ is a strong name, a strong tower( a mighty defense). Let us run to Jesus this morning and seek His protection.



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