3rd March, 2023
The Light
John 1:9 KJV
That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
John the Baptist the son of Zacharias and Elizabeth was preaching about a particular light that is to come and shine on every soul here on earth. He declared that he was not the light so that men would not see him as one, he never drag the place of Christ in his teachings. Rather he told them that Jesus is the true light of God, and the only one with the capacity to drive away every and any form of darkness around our lives.
And this light shinesqnd darkness cannot (which means it is impossible) for it to understand the language and force of Christ Jesus. This truth is spread throughout the world for all to be set free. As many as believe on Him, will receive the Light and be lightened up by the Light of God.
Access the Light of God through His Words and through His Spirit.
Heavenly Father I thank you for releasing the True Light upon the earth, I give Christ Jesus full access to my spirit, soul and body to shine through.
When men are saying it is a casting down,
As for me and my household, it is a lifting up,
This is my year of I am a living wonder,
And my month of I am helped, Lifted & Made Strong,
I am an expression of God,
A wealthy Taborite, A celebrity in the class of kingdom celebrities,
The Father's Desire is my desire,
As for me, soul winning is my priority,
It does not matter, what is the matter,
I shall matter where it matters most.
God bless my pastor's & God bless me too,
Tabor family! A people favored by God.
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