24th April, 2023
James 5:16 KJV
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Elijah the Tishbite was a man of extraordinary ways and lifestyle. He lived Most of his life in isolation but whenever he stepped out into the city, Kings and nations tremble. He spoke as the oracle of God for the nation of Israel at the time of King Ahab and Jezebel's reign. It was a time of deep spiritual manipulation, darkness, greed, corruption from the palace, persecution on the prophets of God and gross injustice. But Elijah was different from the rest, he was a man of deep prayers and results followed every of his actions in the land.
Elijah the prophet PUSH - (Prayed Until Something Happened). He didn't just stop at a sentence, he involved the LORD daily and answers came instantly. Jesus Christ told his disciples that they "need" to pray always and not to faint or stay weak. Prayer is needed for our christian journey, in seeking the LORD, in devotions, supplications, intercession, petitions, adorations, inquiries and Thanksgiving. But why do we need to pray at all? We know that our Heavenly Father, sees all, knows all, and is all powerful! Each time we pray, there's that joy that fills our hearts and lives knowing that God is aware of the issues of our lives. It gives birth to the joy of receiving also an answered prayer.
Pray this morning with a devoted heart and mind, take it seriously and be interested in communicating with God.
Heavenly Father, help my prayer life to become a lifestyle and a habit of grace in Jesus name.
When men are saying it is a casting down,
As for me and my household, it is a lifting up,
This is my year of I am a living wonder,
And my month of No More Limits
I am an expression of God's grace,
A wealthy Taborite, A celebrity in the class of kingdom celebrities,
The Father's Desire is my desire,
As for me, soul winning is my priority,
It does not matter, what is the matter,
I shall matter where it matters most.
God bless my pastors & God bless me too,
Tabor family!
A people favored by God.
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