May 13th, 2023
Jesus Calls
Isaiah 55:1 KJV
Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
Jesus Calls everyone this morning both saved and unsaved to come and drink of the fountain of life freely. Your money or connection is no good when it comes to these resources, we only need surrender our hearts and by submitting ourselves to the LORD. You don't need to pay for salvation or redemption, no! Not all! Neither do you need to pay before listening to a teacher or preacher of the gospel. To they babes in Christ, He says come buy milk of the word to give you strong bones in the way of the LORD, mind you it's free but as a child of God you only need to pay the fee or price of paying attention diligently to His word.
The Samaritan woman in John 4:1-24 met Jesus Christ waiting for her and he was ready to give to her of the water of life freely. She thought there where rules to it or that the gospel was bounded by religious beliefs and a segregating principle. But Jesus fed her and quenched her thirst and she ran to call others too by sharing her testimony and encounter with Jesus that gives freely.
Jesus Calls everyone to the well of salvation, where the waters never run dry and cannot be exhausted in a lifetime. Heaven and earth will pass away but the word of God will remain strong and potent.
Will you answer the call of Jesus Christ this morning and drink freely?
Heavenly Father I come to your call and I open my heart and mouth to drink and eat freely all that you have provided in Jesus name.
When men are saying it is a casting down,
As for me and my household, it is a lifting up,
This is my year of I am a living wonder,
And my month of God's Glorious Covering
I am an expression of God's grace,
A wealthy Taborite, A celebrity in the class of kingdom celebrities,
The Father's Desire is my desire,
As for me, soul winning is my priority,
It does not matter, what is the matter,
I shall matter where it matters most.
God bless my pastors & God bless me too,
Tabor family!
A people favored by God.
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