27th June, 2023
Believe in Jesus Christ
John 14:1 KJV
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
Trusting the LORD is a blessing to God's children as it drives away the thoughts of unrest and troubles away from us. When we believe in Christ Jesus, we believe in the victory of the cross and the resurrection power and in the Holy Spirit. It is quite easy for many to believe in LORD God Almighty our Heavenly Father but our belief is not complete if we don't believe in Jesus Christ His dear Son. This stands as the truth but the Pharisees rejected it and stained the house of Israel with heresies and lies and many elects till date don't believe in Jesus Christ.
Likewise the children of Abraham from Ishmael who deeply believe in God but reject the truth that they should also believe in Christ Jesus the Son of God. When we reject the truth then we reject salvation, healing, health, wealth, everlasting life, dominion and peace in Christ Jesus. Whosoever shall believe in Jesus can hear and receive from our Heavenly Father but whosoever refuses to believe cannot hear or receive from the LORD. The LORD directs our attention this morning to believe in Jesus as much as we believe in Him.
The truth of Heaven is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and we need to accept this truth to access the Father.
Heavenly Father I believe in Jesus Christ and all He speaks and stands.
When men are saying it is a casting down,
As for me and my household, it is a lifting up,
This is my year of I am a living wonder,
And my month of I am Strong & Courageous
I am an expression of God's grace,
A wealthy Taborite, A celebrity in the class of kingdom celebrities,
The Father's Desire is my desire,
As for me, soul winning is my priority,
It does not matter, what is the matter,
I shall matter where it matters most.
God bless my pastors & God bless me too,
Tabor family!
A people favored by God.
We believe and we ask for grace to stand and speaks the things which Jesus Christ speaks and stands for. Amen.