Date - January 31st, 2022 Topic - Unwanted Solitude Bible Text - Turn to me and have mercy on me, for I am alone and in deep distress.Psalm 25:16 Some of us long for solitude, praying for a quiet retreat where we can gather our thoughts or rest our tired bodies. Yet sometimes we are faced with solitude we neither ask for nor desire. The psalmist found himself in that singular place. His thoughts were large in a wilderness that seemed vast and empty. It is interesting that David didn’t ask God to take him out of the barren land but invited God to join him there. He knew from experience that God’s presence could illuminate any dark night. Our journeys through life will not always take us on straight paths. They are interspersed with thrilling mountaintop heights at times and with valleys and lulls in activity at others. Sometimes those valleys are lonely indeed. We might find ourselves there because of a move eight hundred miles away from family and friends or because we h...