Date - December 31st, 2021 Topic - WALK INTO GREATNESS! Bible Text - I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart. - Psalm 40:8 Devotions are a great way to study God’s Word and get to know God’s will. In Psalm 40, King David the Psalmist wrote that he kept God’s law within his heart. God's word became his drive and push into greatness. That’s something we can do too, to keep God’s truth in the innermost part of ourselves where no one can ever take it away. When we carry the Word of God in our hearts, we are closer to God. And only His words can bring about our desired greatness in the coming year. As we soar into the New Year let us get closer to God and not relent in our fellowship with Christ and with our brethren in the church. An awesome way to keep God’s Word close is through study & meditation. We may have been encouraged to meditate and memorize verses in Sunday school. Or we may have memorized poems in school. Meditating and Memorizing G...