DATE 28th February, 2023 TOPIC Obedience LIVING SCRIPTURE John 2:5 KJV His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. Mary the earthly mother of Jesus Christ understood the potentials of her son and saw him as more than her son. She knew what the encounter she had before her pregnancy meant and the instructions given to her and Joseph. She also knew what obedience would do for anyone that yields to it in service to God because she obeyed and listened to God. At the wedding in Cana of Galilee, she was invited likewise Jesus Christ and His disciples, but the provision of wine for the guests was finished and it seem like there was no hope. Mrs Mary Joseph observed the situation and without hesitation went straight to Jesus and informed him of the situation that they needed wine. And she returned to her duty despite the response of Christ to her, she knew the God she served. She instructed the servants to simply obey the voice of Christ and when the ti...