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Showing posts from August, 2021


AUGUST 31st - CAPSULE 31 TOPIC: DON’T QUIT – KEEP PLAYING BIBLE TEXT: 2 Corinthians 12 vs. 9 – My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in (your) weakness. One day, a woman who wanted to encourage her little boy to keep practicing the piano, took him to hear Paderewski play. They sat near the front, and the boy was fascinated by the big grand piano on the stage. While his mother was talking to a friend, she didn’t notice her son slip away. As the house light dimmed and the spotlight hits the piano, she gasped as she saw her son on the piano bench, playing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”. Before she could get to him, Paderewski walked over to the keyboard and sat down beside the boy. Don’t quit, keep playing” – he whispered. Then he reach down with his left hand and began filling in the bass part, and with his right arm he reached around the other side encircling the child, and added a running obbligato. Together, the old master and the child brought ...


AUGUST 30th - CAPSULE 30 TOPIC: LOOK FOR THE BEST IN OTHERS BIBLE TEXT: 1 Corinthians 10 vs. 10 – Be careful not to stir up discontent. Have you ever been around someone who loved to stir things up? It may seem harmless to us, but God has a different view of it. Twenty three thousand of His people died in one day because they murmured against Moses, the manna, the direction God was leading them, and all sorts of things. Never had a people been more protected, privileged or prosperous, but you could not tell it by what they were saying. These murmurs never made it into the promise land. Murmurers never do! Do you know which church was speaking to when he wrote, “I have confidence in you” – the Corinthians. Amazing! Some of them got drunk at communion, tolerated fornication, doubted the resurrection; and these were only few of their problems. One man said; I read the Book of Corinthians just to get encouraged. I know at least am not doing that badly. But along comes Paul a...


AUGUST 29th - CAPSULE 29 TOPIC: CORRECTED, BUT NOT DISCARDED BIBLE TEXT: Hebrew 11 vs. 34 – Out of weakness were made strong . . . . . . The heroes of the Bible were powerful, but not perfect. They were corrected but not discarded, and their human frailties encourage the rest of us that God can use us too. The contrast between God and the people He uses, reminds us who is to be worshipped. Paul readily admitted he fell short of his goals. Yet, the light of revelation that shone from his earthen vessel illuminates our walk today. A perfect word from imperfect vessels – that’s “the high calling of God” and it’s through ordinary people like you and me that He chooses to bring it. Amazing! In Hebrews Chapter 11, God lists some heroes. But notice what He said about them, “. . . . . out of weakness were made strong”. They were strengthened through struggle, and that’s still God’s way. Look at them, but don’t judge them because of a weak moment – judge them on the entirety of t...


AUGUST 28th - CAPSULE 28 TOPIC: GOD’S WORD IS PURE BIBLE TEXT: Psalm 12 vs. 6 – The words of the Lord are pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Today’s passage is an observation the Psalmist makes references to what was said in Psalm 12 vs. 5 and in opposition to the word of the wicked men in Psalm 12 vs. 4 which are deceitful, sinful and impure. The Holy Scriptures are the words of God and they are pure and holy, free from all human mixtures, and from all frauds and deceits. They are the Scripture of truth. They are the promises of the word of God, and they are firm and stable, and always dependable, ever fulfilling, being yea and amen in Christ Jesus.  The doctrines of it are the words of God, which is sincere milk of the word, pure and incorruptible, as it is from an incorruptible supreme being. If truthfully, sincerely and properly dispensed by faithful ministers and they are according to godliness, and tend to encourage and pro...


AUGUST 27th - CAPSULE 27 TOPIC: WHO ARE YOU? BIBLE TEXT: Acts 19 vs. 15 – One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know and I know Paul, but who are you? Who are you? It is a question that many people shy away from answering. People get angry and feel reluctant to answer quickly; not that they do not know what to say, but how to say it. Knowing who you are is very important and crucial because it helps your survival in this cruel world.  The sons of Sceva were trying to imitate other personalities to cast out demons. The demons told them – “Jesus I know, Paul I know but who are you?” People ask you every day at various gates - who are you? As you stand before the various gates, these gates are only opened when you properly identify yourself so also, when you stand at the gate of prosperity, successes, breakthroughs, etc. The spirits manning these gates are asking “who are you?” If you fail to identify properly, you will be turned back. That is why many people ge...


AUGUST 26th - CAPSULE 26 TOPIC: GOD’S ACTION FOR MAN’S BENEFIT BIBLE TEXT: Hebrews 2 vs. 10 – For it became Him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons into glory . . . . . . . God’s way of doing things are so unique and inexplicable in today’s passage, we are made to understand the uniqueness in God’s decision to elevate man. He had to make His only Son Jesus, who through Him everything exist; to pass through untold hardship, suffering and even dying on the cross, so that sinful man and woman, like I and you have salvation. The benefits of Christ sufferings and shameful death on the cross like a criminal, is the victory He won for man. With understanding, accepting, appreciating the suffering and victory of Christ, every believer is more than a conqueror (Romans 8 vs. 37 – 39). As a Christian, how much do you understand the hardship Christ passed through for you? How are you appreciating Him for that? The sacrificial life Christ lived a...


AUGUST 25th - CAPSULE 25 TOPIC: IT’S A DAILY WALK BIBLE TEXT: Genesis 6 vs. 9 – Noah walked with God. To walk with God means to be attentive to His Word and yielded to Hos presence. Though, we do not see Him, we know Him. We find our security not in people, places, or things – but in Him alone! The name Noah means “rest”. Noah not only knew his mission in life, but he also knew his source, and when you know that, you don’t have to worry anymore. But knowing God deeply doesn’t just happen quickly, it takes time.  Time spent with Him on the mountain top and in the valley;  Time spent with Him in Joy and in adversity.  Time will test the quality of any relationship!  Prisons, shipwrecks, betrayals, beatings, hunger and disappointments didn’t shake Paul’s confidence in God. Listen: “None of these things move me” (Acts 20 vs. 24). Another man who walked with God was Enoch. Listen: “Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him” – (Genesis 5 vs. 24...


AUGUST 24th - CAPSULE 24 TOPIC: LISTENING PRAYER BIBLE TEXT: Psalm 46 vs. 10 – Be still and know that I am God. Jesus did a lot of praying. On more than one occasion He prayed all night, yet few of His words were recorded. Could it be that HE did more listening than talking? And when His prayer was recorded, what was it? “Father . . . . . . Not my will, but thine be done” (Luke 22 vs. 42). When Jesus prayed HE surrendered totally to the will of God. He believe He would automatically be given two things for which we all keep asking direction and ability to deal with things. Thank God for the revelation of who we are in Christ, and our authority as believers before God and before men. But recently God has been letting me know that there’s more to prayer than coming “boldly unto the throne” (Hebrews 4 vs. 16). That kind of prayer is about what you want, but this kind is about what He wants. Now, since He sees the whole picture clearly, and since He designed the plan to begin...


AUGUST 23rd - CAPSULE 23 TOPIC: WAITING FOR JESUS BIBLE TEXT: Luke 8 vs. 39 – 40 – When Jesus was returned, the people received him: for they were all waiting for him. That’s what your friends and loved ones are doing today – waiting for Jesus! Don’t leave Him in church or confine Him to your Sunday activities. The miracles Jesus and the Apostles did were not done in church; with them it wasn’t an event – it was a lifestyle. The very shadow of Peter touching the sick as he walked by would bring healing (See Acts 5 vs. 15). Today, we try to reproduce it in a controlled environment, and look at the results. If all our churches were filled tomorrow, they would hold less than 10% of the population. Something’s got to happen! We’ve got to start praying for boldness and compassion to take the Gospel to the neighbourhood, instead of trying to bring the neighbourhood to us. They’ve been to church, and most of them didn’t like it because they didn’t see Jesus there. And they are ...


AUGUST 22nd - CAPSULE 22 TOPIC: THEN JESUS COMES BIBLE TEXT: LUKE 8 VS 35 (Paraphrase) – And they went and found the man sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, and in his right mind. The man in the tombs was bound by evil spirits, filled with fear and separated from his family. Society said; he was hopeless. That’s when Jesus loves to step in! When human wisdom says, “It can’t be done” Jesus comes! Look at this man now after Jesus stepped into his life, “he’s clothed and in his right mind” But the locals couldn’t handle him, so they asked Jesus to go back to where He came from. The world hasn’t changed much. When you meet, and they see you clothed and in your right mind, they won’t know what to do with you either. Have they noticed the difference yet? If none of your old friends are shaken up, then you are not doing something right. Listen’ “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature” (2 Corinthians 5 vs. 17). This man wanted to join Jesus and His disciples, but Jesus...


AUGUST 21st - CAPSULE 21 TOPIC: WHEN YOU CAN’T UNDERSTAND TRUST BIBLE TEXT: Deuteronomy 29 vs. 29 – The secret things belong unto the Lord our God. Listen to this letter I read from a missionary couple who lost their child: “Our younger son, aged 14, came down with a very severe strain of meningitis. My wife prayed for his healing, but we lost him. Our hearts are broken. We cannot understand why God would send or allow us such a sorrow and burden to carry. Can you help us?” One thing is sure, God is too good to do wrong, and too wise to make mistake. When we have to know all details we are walking by sight, but when we can trust Him in the dark we are walking by faith. “Without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11 vs. 6). Note that it doesn’t say, “Without understanding”. When we walk by faith we don’t necessarily gain understanding, but rather acceptance.  Confidence in God is His highest purpose for our lives. When we can trust and accept without questio...


AUGUST 20th - CAPSULE 20 TOPIC: THE UNHEARD CRY BIBLE TEXT: Mark 5 vs. 2 – There met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit. Jesus heard a cry nobody else heard, from a place nobody else wanted to go, from a man nobody wanted to associate with. When Jesus lives in your heart, you will hear that cry too. It will touch your spirit. It came from a mad man living in a graveyard, whose very appearance was enough to make any normal person avoid him, but something deep inside him longed to be free, and that longing touched Jesus. To get to him, Jesus had to go through a storm, HE also overcame the objections of His disciples, who probably said “why risk it, he’s not worth it” If you want to follow Jesus, you will have to open your heart to a cry that nobody else is listening to. You can’t listen to the crowd around you, you have got to listen to the Spirit within you. He will tell you where to go and HE will tell you who to minister to. You can’t be out off by lifestyle...


AUGUST 19th - CAPSULE 19 TOPIC: THE WISDOM TO WIN SOULS BIBLE TEXT: Proverbs 11 vs. 30 – He that winneth soul is wise. If you want to win someone to Christ today, use wisdom, especially in these 3 areas; 1. Don’t assume because they are raised in church that they understand; or because you’ve ‘lived the life’ before them, that they will get it by osmosis. Listen, “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?” (Romans 10 vs. 14 NIV). Share your testimony – the short version. Forget the good advice, just give them the good news! 2. As much as you would like to close the deal right then, sometimes you have to sow the seed, and leave the rest to the Lord of the Harvest. Don’t try to corner them into praying the sinner’s prayer. Share the Word, leave the door open and trust the God who said, “I am watching over my Word to perform it” (Jeremiah 1 vs. 12). 3. When God speaks to you don’t out it off. R. A. Torrey had an experience that totally changed his attitude ...


AUGUST 18th - CAPSULE 18 TOPIC: ARE YOU ANXIOUS TODAY? BIBLE TEXT: Psalm 56 vs. 3 – What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. Anxiety can be likened to a big wave that washes over you and stops you dead in your works. It can paralyze you and take away everything good in your life. If you let it control you, you’ll do nothing, say nothing and end up feeling like nothing. When you think about it, worry in silly! (And dangerous) – It means you are not trusting God to carry out the promises He has made to you. Yes, He’s given responsibilities, and it’s important to take them seriously; but He has commanded you to trust Him – Proverbs 3 vs5. Paul says do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and minds. . . . “(Philippians 4 vs. 6 -7 NIV). You are special in the eyes of the Lord. Let that sink in! He loves you and...


AUGUST 17th - CAPSULE 17 TOPIC: THE HABIT OF LYING BIBLE TEXT: Colossians 3 vs. 9 – Lie not one to another. Seeing that we have put off the old man with his deeds. Lying makes a problem part of the future; truth makes it a part of the past. You see, when you tell the truth you never have to remember what you said; no one has a good enough memory to be a successful liar! A lie may seems to be the easy way out. But even if it solves your present problem, it creates future ones that blur your vision, cause you to lose confidence before God in prayer, and eventually cost you the respect of others. Even worse, your present lies can only be defended by future lies. The ninth commandment summarized says – “Thou shalt not lie”, and is often the most difficult to keep. Have you ever told a lie to spare someone’s feeling, avoid confrontation, or make yourself look better? One writer says it this way: “Hope built on a lie is always the beginning of loss”. Never attempt to build any...


AUGUST 16th - CAPSULE 16 TOPIC: HUNGRY FOR GOD BIBLE TEXT: Psalm 63 vs. 1 – O God, thou art my God: early will I seek thee: my soul thirstiest for thee. Talk about lifestyles of the rich and famous! David had the world’s most beautiful women, but sex could not fill the void. If fame could satisfy, he was in a class of his own. If looks could do it, he was an Old Testament version of Sean Connery. But you can eat lobster thermidor every night, own resort homes in paradise, and yet still have an emptiness in your heart as big as the Grand Canyon. You see, there’s a God-shaped blank inside of you. He made you that way. Ever since Adam walked with God, there has been a longing akin to a primal scream for God’s presence in our lives. David speaks for all of us, “My soul thirstiest for thee, my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is” (Psalm 63 vs. 1). He’s saying, I’ve seen man best and its fleeting” It’s a seat on a board, a trophy from the field o...


AUGUST 15th - CAPSULE 15 TOPIC: A DISCERNING HEART BIBLE TEXT: 1 Kings 3 vs. 9 – 10 – Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart. God guides us by revelation and by relationships. That means you need discernment about the people who come into your life. For example, when trouble hits, you’ll discover who your friends really are. You can’t lose a real friend, for the Word says – “A friend loveth at all times, and brother is born for adversity” – Proverbs 17 vs. 17. But a lot of us get hurt by discovering that some people weren’t true friends at all. A man who was going through some difficulties, reached out to a pastor he thought would stand by him. The pastor said, “I’m sorry you are going through this and I will pray for you, but it will hurt me to associate with you at the moment. People might think I was being soft on sin”. How sad. But would you have acted any differently? Discernment is not for judging people. It is for discerning their spirit. Have you ever b...


AUGUST 14th - CAPSULE 14 TOPIC: DECISIONS BIBLE TEXT - Joshua  24 vs. 15 (NIV) – Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. What you are today is determined by the decisions you made yesterday. If you want to change your future, learn how to make better decisions today.  Here are a few principles to guide you: 1. Never make a permanent decision about a temporary situation. When the smoke clears, you’ll regret it. 2. Never let your emotions blind your reasoning. Weigh things prayerfully, and base your decisions on mature judgment. 3. Surround yourself with wise people and draw on their gifts. Without being intimidated by their expertise. 4. Take the time to consider all options. What looks good today may not look so good tomorrow. 5. You can’t fight successfully on every front, so choose your battles carefully. Don’t go into a battle where there are no spoils. 6. Get all the facts; conjecture leads to crisis. 7. Consider the consequences of each option, an...


AUGUST 13th - CAPSULE 13 TOPIC: FREE TO “KEEP QUIET” BIBLE TEXT: Proverbs 13 vs. 3 – Self-control means controlling your tongue. A quick retort can ruin everything (Living Bible) Don’t let the need to rescue someone push you into answering before you have heard the story, and taken time to pray about it. You will be amazed how differently you feel about something a few hours, a few days and in some case a few years later.  Pride says don’t just stand there, say something! Wisdom says, “Don’t just say anything, stand there!” (Quietly ask God for insight). One word from Him can turn things around in a hurry. In this age of instant tea and instant potatoes, we look for instant answers. When tragedy strikes, not only do we get the news immediately, but within minutes experts appear on television to tell us why it all happened. But sometimes wisdom is silent. Jesus had the power to summon 12 legions of angels to defend Him, yet “He opened not His mouth”. Pilate did all th...


AUGUST 12th - CAPSULE 12 TOPIC: IN THE PRESENCE OF MY ENEMIES BIBLE TEXT: Psalm 23 vs. 5 – Thou prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.  • When does God make your cup overflow? In the presence of your enemies.  • When does God anoint your head with oil? In the presence of your enemies.  • When do you need goodness and mercy the most? In the presence of your enemies. • When do you need the rod and staff of His comfort and protection? In the presence of your enemies.  Can you see this? The very fact that you’ve made it this far proves His goodness and mercy have been with you all – not just some but all the days of your life. You may say, “But I’m still struggling – ‘Wonderful! Struggle is a proof that you refuse to surrender, and that you haven’t been conquered. As long as you hold that position, God can do something for you. He can send His Spirit; He can send His Word; HE can...


AUGUST 11th - CAPSULE 11 TOPIC: GO FOR THE GOLD! BIBLE TEXT: 1 Corinthians 9 vs. 26(TM) – I’m running hard for the finish line. I’m giving it everything I’ve got. No sloppy living for me. I’m staying alert and in top condition. You need to watch the Olympics, you should have seen the place! Billion dollars’ worth of new construction, million visitors and thousands of athletes and their trainers from all over the world competing for Olympic Gold. No hour was too early to rise; no distance too great to run; no sacrifice too great in order to win. Listen to how Paul described it: “You’ve all been to the stadium to see the athletes run. Every one runs; one wins! Run to win! (1 Corinthians 9 vs. 24 paraphrase). Brethren, use today to sow the seeds of Christian character into the lives of your friends, strive for excellence, whether you sweep streets or build skyscrapers.  Reach out in love and touch someone with kindness, expecting nothing in return, and be ass...


AUGUST 10th - CAPSULE 10 TOPIC: YOUR ATTITUDE DETERMINES EVERYTHING BIBLE TEXT: Numbers 14 vs. 24 (Berk) – My servant Caleb has a different attitude and has wholeheartedly followed me. Caleb went against the crowd and popular opinion. While the majority thought the giants were too big and God’s people were too small, Caleb never doubted God for a minute. The miracles proved that nothing was too big for God to handle. The manna proved HE cared and that every need would be supplied.  So with a God like this, how can you fail? " Listen: “Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it” (Numbers 13 vs. 30).  What an attitude! If only they’d listened. But no; their negative attitude landed them in the wilderness for 40 years! Doubt and unbelief will always lead you into the wilderness, grumbling and complaining will fill your life with barrenness. John Mason says, “It’s your attitude that deter...


AUGUST 9th - CAPSULE 9 TOPIC: IT RUBS OFF BIBLE TEXT: Exodus 34 vs. 29 – His face glowed from being in the presence of God. You can only talk convincingly about the God you know, the one you’ve spent time with. Any other God belongs in a theology book, and you will have a hard time selling Him. When Moses came down from the mountain, his face shone. He had been in God’s presence, and when you’ve been there it shows in the way you look, the way you walk and talk, the way you treat your family, the way you spend your money and the way you respond to hurting people. It rubs off!   Paul Cain says “most of us are as close to God as we want to be”. Think about it “Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you” (James 4 vs. 8). How could you possibly be the same when you’ve been with Him? He transforms everything He touches. Listen – He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91 vs. 1). He didn’t say “visit” or...


AUGUST 8th - CAPSULE 8 TOPIC: GETTING OVER THE PAST BIBLE TEXT: PSALM 57 VS 7 – My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praised. There are people who have had things worse than you and done better, and some who have had it better than you and done worse.  Your circumstances have little to do with getting over your past . . . . . . .  However, these four things can keep you stuck: 1. Resentment: Are you busy trying to bring them down your level? If so, then listen –“In honour, preferring one another (Romans 12 vs. 10). 2. Regret: Paul said, “Forgetting those things which are before” (Philippians 3 vs. 13). You will never reach ahead until you forget what’s behind. We all have things we wish we had done differently. Learn from them, forgive yourself and move on. 3. Self-Pity: After his greatest victory, Elijah wallowed in it. Listen, “I’ve had enough……..take away my life…….the people of Israel have killed………your prophets and I only am left;...


AUGUST 7th - CAPSULE 7 TOPIC: GOD WANTS TO BLESS YOUR WORK BIBLE TEXT: Proverbs 16 vs. 3 – Put God in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place. God wants to be included in all your plans, consulted in all your decisions and honoured in every area of your life. If you do, what you plan will prosper and what you plant will produce fruits. If you have been taught that He is interested in Church matters, or the spiritual side of your life, then listen; “In all thy ways acknowledge Him and HE shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3 vs. 6). Did you hear that? ALL THY WAYS! Moses told the people, “Remember the Lord thy God: it is He that giveth thee power (ability, insight, ideas and skills) to get wealth (Deuteronomy 8 vs. 18). Imagine the God who gave Edison incandescent light, and showed Fleming how to turn a piece of molding bread into the miracle of penicillin. Being your God, your source of inspiration, today HE wants to talk to you, if you will just take ...


AUGUST 6th CAPSULE 6 TOPIC: GOD HAS A PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE BIBLE TEXT: John 15 vs. 16 – Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you. It doesn’t take a lot of people to bring about change. In fact, too many people can get in the way. Gideon chose 32,000 men to fight, but God only needed 300. He didn’t care how many could be counted, HE cared about how many could be counted on! The truth is, your life could be messed up because too many people are telling you what to do. Don’t listen to them, get down before God and ask Him to speak to you. He will give you the word you need. God doesn’t need a crowd – HE just needs someone who will listen and obey. “If He wants a nation, He will give hope and vision to an Abraham” “If HE wants to bring down Pharaoh, He will reach into the bulrushes and pull out a Moses” “When He wants a lineage for His son, HE will go to a Red-light District and find a Rahab.” He’s just looking for a willing heart “My God don’t sponsor no flops”. This g...


AUGUST 5th - CAPSULE 5 TOPIC: WALKING THROUGH THE FIRE BIBLE TEXT:   1 THESSALONIANS 5 VS 24 – The one who called you is completely dependable. If HE said it, He’ll do it! Did you hear that? If HE said it, He will do it! He’s completely dependable. No matter what you are going through today. You can count on Him to be with you . . . . . and when He’s with you, you can be sure He’ll bring you through. Remember the three Hebrew children? They refused to bow to the King’s idols, so he threw them into a furnace heated seven times over.  Maybe you feel like you are walking through fire, and it is seven times worse than anything you’ve ever experienced. But look at what happened, when the king looked into the fire, he said, “Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire…….? Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the son of God” (Daniel 3 vs. 24-25).  In the midst of the furn...


AUGUST 4th - CAPSULE 4 TOPIC: TOO MUCH TO LOSE BIBLE TEXT: Mark 10 vs. 21 – 22 – “Then Jesus said unto him – take up the cross, and follow me. And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions. This man really wanted to follow Jesus, but he had too much to lose. He could have been another John or Mark, but instead that’s the last we ever heard about him, because he had become accustomed to a life of privilege and could not live with less.  Imagine him years later as an old man. His grandson climbs on his lap and says:  ‘Grandpa, who was the greatest man you ever met?’  Without hesitating, he replies, “Jesus” “What made Him so great?” The child asks He replies, “Son, there’s never been anyone like Him. He healed the sick and even raised the dead. I saw Him do it!” The little boy says “Grandpa, did HE ever talk to you? Yes! HE replies. The child asks “Well, what did HE say to you? Looking at the child he says, “HE asked me to fo...


3rd AUGUST - CAPSULE 3 TOPIC: STAY ON THE BATTLEFIELD BIBLE TEXT: 2 SAMUEL 11 VS 1 – At the time when kings go forth to battle . . . . David tarried still in Jerusalem. David didn’t get into trouble until he left the battlefield! When he stopped fighting, he suffered his greatest defeat. Your protection depends on being in the right place. Stay at your post – don’t give the enemy an inch or he’ll take a mile. Keep your sword drawn and your shield high. Of all the armour Paul speaks of in Ephesians 6, there’s none for the back. If you think fighting is tough, wait till you see what happens when you stop fighting. We read in the Bible that, “he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon” even though she was someone’s wife and David knew the consequences, “he sent messengers and took her, and she lay with him’ (2 Samuel 11 vs. 2 – 4). Before it was over, he committed murder in a vain attempt to cover up his sin, a baby was born and died.  D...


AUGUST 2 - CAPSULE 2 TOPIC: DO YOU HAVE “CLASS?” BIBLE TEXT: 3 JOHN 1 VS 12 – Demetrius is well spoken of by everyone – and even by the truth itself. When others speak well of you, you’ve got acceptance; but when the truth speaks well of you, you’ve got class! Demetrius had it. Do you? Before you answer, listen to Paul’s words to Timothy, “Set an example ……… in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity ……..give yourself wholly to them so that everyone may see your progress” – 1 Timothy 4 vs. 12 – 15. That’s Class! Consider these words carefully. Class is just confidence dressed in humility. It keeps its words, its temper and its friends. It has a steady eye, a steady nerve, a steady tongue and a steady habit. It is silent when it has nothing to say, thoughtful when it judges and it is always first to make amends when it is wrong. Class does not run scared, it is sure footed, committed, and handles whatever comes along. Class has a sense of humor, it knows that a g...