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Showing posts from June, 2021


JUNE 30TH – CAPSULE 30 TOPIC: THE SON OF GOD  BIBLE TEXT: JOHN 8 VS 36 – If the son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. The bible speaks primarily of one person, Jesus Christ. Each book in the bible reveals more about Christ to the church, of his nature, power and glory. Jesus came to this earth and it is a fact which you must believe in order for you to receive eternal life. He lived a life of grace and mercy in obedience to the Father in Heaven, who sent his spirit to Christ to fulfill the will of God for mankind. Jesus died on the cross and rose up from the grave to receive an authority like no other, a crown of glory and a name above all names.  His power subjects other powers and no one in the Heavens and on earth can be compared to him, except the Father. Wherever Christ went or his testimony was shared, freedom was perceived and received to many as believe in him. He said in the anchor scripture that he has the power to give freedom from ...


JUNE 29TH – CAPSULE 29  TOPIC: WHERE/WHOM DO YOU PUT YOUR TRUST? (IN SEEKING ETERNITY)  BIBLE TEXT: PSALM 20 VS 7 – Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the LORD, our God . Trust is a simple word with great depths. To trust is to have a firm belief, in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something. The psalmist via meditation and by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit remembered when the Egyptians trusted in their calvary and troops and how they all drowned in the red sea. And how Israel trusted the Lord and He gave them victories and the promise land. This shows and instructs men on whom to trust.  Because who you trust or what you put your trust in will determine how far you go and the results of your destiny. The young man that approached Jesus Christ in Mark 10 vs 17-25 came to Him to seek eternal life and when he heard the truth he could not trust the word of God anymore because it was not convenient fo...


JUNE 28TH – CAPSULE 28  TOPIC: CRITERIA FOR TRUE FOLLOWERSHIP (ROAD TO ETERNAL LIFE)  BIBLE TEXT: MARK 10 VS 19-21 – Thou knowest the commandments, do not commit adultery, do not kill, do not steal, do not bear false witness, defraud not, honour thy father and  mother. And he answered and said unto him, Master, all these have I observed from my youth. Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, “one thing thou lackest; go thy way sell whatever thou hast, and give to the poor, and come, take up the cross and follow me. Jesus Christ laid down this criteria himself as he replied a great question many believers have asked, still asking and will ask in the future. Christ Jesus pointed out the fact that the ten commandments God gave Moses are principles a true follower must accept and live by. These commandments are for those on the road to eternal life which Christ gives. Which states clearly, that you must not commit adultery (fornication and lustful si...


JUNE 27TH – CAPSULE 27  TOPIC: KNOW WHAT YOU NEED ( KEEP NOT SILENT)  BIBLE TEXT: MARK 10 VS 47-51 – And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou son of  David, have mercy on me. …… And Jesus answered and said unto him, what wilt thou that I should do unto thee? The blind man said unto him, Lord, that I might receive my sight. A certain blind man sat by the high way just outside the city of Jericho begging for alms, and on a blessed day he heard that it was Jesus Christ of Nazareth that was passing by his begging corner. Now this man was poor and blind at the same time but still found time to listen to the gospel of Christ from evangelists and missionaries who regularly passed by preparing the way for the Lord to walk through in glory. This blind man heard that it was Jesus, which means he was taught about the same Jesus and the hour of manifestation had come for him to receive from Christ Jesus. He began to cry ou...


JUNE 26TH – CAPSULE 26  TOPIC: END TIMES  BIBLE TEXT: LUKE 17 VS 27-29 – They did eat,  they drunk, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.   Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Noah said it, Lot preached it, the prophets did and we are also doing it. When you see the times, you'll take caution for there'll be an unexpected sound soon, through out the heavens, the earth and under the earth. It comes with a day of judgement; it will be a day of glory for those with white robes in (righteousness) and a day of torment for those without a righteous marriage robe. Like a  dream, a flash, a twinkling of an eye, before a sneeze or the next breath and so it comes no wa...


JUNE 25TH – CAPSULE 25  TOPIC: HE MUST INCREASE  BIBLE TEXT: JOHN 3 VS 30 – He must increase but I must decrease. John the Baptist channeled those words out of a life of submission to the will of God. And this light, all believers must walk by also to receive more of Christ in us. Many out there today are corrupted with a spiritual virus called “self” where all a man thinks of is him or herself always. Such individuals are presented as self righteous and can’t receive more from the Lord because he already “knows it all” and many are full of “themselves” and not Christ or His word. The testimony of John the Baptist during his ministry days, speaks not of himself but of He who cometh from the Lord, one who is greater than him and whose sandals spiritually and physically, he is unworthy to tie or untie. This brings so much craving in the hearts of the hearers to readily hunger for a sight and a moment with this Christ that John spoke of in messages and sermons.  ...


JUNE 24TH – CAPSULE 24   TOPIC: MUSTARD SEED  BIBLE TEXT: MATTHEW 17 VS 20 – And Jesus said unto them, because of your unbelief. For verily I say unto you, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove, and nothing shall be impossible unto you. Faith like a grain of mustard seed as described above, is called a “growing faith”. Jesus said to them in parables, “if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed," this he meant, that if we have a “growing faith" we can command situations and walk through impossible channels without any hindrances that can stop us on the way to our goals. When you plant a mustard seed in a good soil, it may look like the most irrelevant seed to even sow into the ground amongst many seeds in this world but our faith is likened unto it. Because when it grows it becomes the greatest amongst all others. Let us fetch from the unending tap of knowledge that Christ...


JUNE 23RD – CAPSULE 23 TOPIC: LIVING A LIFE OF PRAISE BIBLE TEXT: PSALM 119 VS 164 – Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgements. The psalmist (king David) lived a wonderful life, as a Shepherd first, then a warrior and a leader before he became a mighty King in Israel. With his busy lifestyle, King David lived a life of absolute praise unto the Lord. Seven times a day he lifted up his praise to the Lord to minister to God. Nothing and no one could take this lifestyle from him and he did so till the end.  He was successful at praising the Lord with all his heart because of the love of God, he valued God’s word and sought to know God more. This wonderful man was consistent in his service of praise unto the Lord from a teenager – to an adult, through every victory and battles he faced, he praised God. In his palace he was not ashamed to dance unto the Lord nor act too royal or form important before the Lord. And In the presence of his servants h...


JUNE 22TH – CAPSULE 22  TOPIC: FAITH LIKE PETER (DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE)  BIBLE TEXT : MATTHEW 14 VS 28-29 – And Peter answered  and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, come. And when Peter was come down out if the ship, he walked on the water to Jesus. The Lord has given unto us the gospel truth to help men live in dominion as the Bible says in Gen. 1vs26. As a believer you ought to dominate in life spiritually and physically. To serve the Lord and to be His follower and disciple requires courage and faith. A timid Christian cannot achieve glorious testimonies nor behold the wonders of God through their life. Come boldly before the throne of grace, take a bold step of faith as you trust the word of God (the voice of Christ) though your journey in life. Apostle Peter was amongst the twelve apostles of Christ in the boat that witnessed the wonders of God as Christ Jesus defied the laws of gravity and walked on water in...


JUNE 21TH – CAPSULE TOPIC: HOW WHITE IS YOUR ROBE  BIBLE TEXT: MARK 9 VS 2-3 – And after six days Jesus taketh with him Peter, and James, and John, and leadth them up into a high mountain apart by themselves; and he was transfigured before them. And His raiment became shining, exceeding white as snow; so as no fuller on earth can white them. Every individual is decorated with a garment and the garment on you shows your true identity and state in the presence of God spiritually. A mad man, spiritually will be on a dirty garment, a sinful man will also have on him or herself a dirty or spotted garment. Zech. 3vs3 – Now Joshua was clothed (spiritually) with filthy garments, and stood before the angel of the LORD.  You cannot hide your true nature or identity from the Lord, you may succeed in deceiving others but God sees us clearly. Jesus Christ revealed himself to three of his disciples, who were privileged to behold the glory of God on the mountain Of Transfigurati...


JUNE 20TH – CAPSULE 20  TOPIC: FORGIVENESS   BIBLE TEXT: MARK 11 VS 26 – But if ye do not forgive, neither will your father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.  Living a life of unforgiveness is the same as living in bondage. This falls under self affliction where an innocent individual ignorantly afflicts him or herself because of the hardness of his/her heart. Mankind does not have the right to say “I can’t forgive you”, because we are all living under the mercy and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, who died on the cross of Calvary. Without his death, the whole earth would have been consumed by the wrath of God. Through Christ came grace and now God shows us mercy every blessed day, through his forgiveness we are able to live and walk here on earth. The book of Mark 11 reveals another dimension of God’s revelation concerning forgiveness. The Lord says that if any man fails to forgive, God himself will withdraw every privilege, that the individual ...


JUNE 19TH – CAPSULE 19  TOPIC: TRUE GREATNESS (THE WAY OF LOVE)  BIBLE TEXT : MATTHEW 7 VS 12 – In everything you do, be careful to treat others in the same way you’d want them to treat you, for that is the essence of all the teachings of the law and the prophet. We serve a good God, who is faithful and gracious in all His ways. God the Father is the first to obey and act on the word (principles of heaven). The bible reveals a glorious fact, which states in Romans 5 vs 8 – But God commandeth his love toward us, in that, while yet we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. God is love and need us to reciprocate love and for Him to receive love, He reveals to us much more, John 3vs16 – For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son; that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. God treats us well and these facts are visibly seen everywhere today. This is the principle of God for us all, a golden rule to guide our actions o...


JUNE 18TH – CAPSULE 18  TOPIC: FALSELY ACCUSED?  BIBLE TEXT: MATTHEW 5 VS 11-12 – “Blessed (morally courageous and spiritually alive with life-joy In God’s presence) are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil things against you because of (your association with) me. Be glad and exceedingly joyful, for your reward in heaven is great (absolutely inexhaustible); for in this same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. [AMP]  Pay close attention to these two verses, and you will follow and serve God without complains. As children of the Light, we must understand that darkness will never be happy whenever we are present. Because the light of God shines and pursues every darkness in it's path. When you refuse to cheat, lie and compromise, the devil will steer up men against you to either frustrate your works or remove you from the environment or the picture.  Always have this question at heart, “when men fa...


JUNE 17TH – CAPSULE 17  TOPIC: WHEN YOU ARE FOLLOWING HIM, YOU CAN FACE ANYTHING  BIBLE TEXT: JOHN 10 VS 4 – And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. The Israelites enjoyed God’s protection on all sides, as the LORD went before them as a sun and a shield, and no good thing was ever withheld from them. He gave them victories also, over nations and kingdoms. We must understand that following Jesus is the only way to survive and succeed in life.  The Egyptians pursued the children of Israel to enslave them back after their liberation from years of captivity and  bondage but the Lord was with them as their guide. When your direction is the person of the Holy Spirit, all you need to do is to follow and nothing will be able to hinder you or stop you - Exodus 14 vs 19. Living with Christ is so wonderful and glorious with Jesus as our Chief Shepherd guiding us safely, directing us, instructing u...


JUNE 16TH – CAPSULE 16 TOPIC: ACT ON WHAT YOU HEAR   BIBLE TEXT : JAMES 1 VS 23 – For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man viewing his natural face in a mirror. [MEV]   The gospel of Christ Jesus is taught all around the world with few doers and more hearers. Apostle James the half brother of Christ Jesus, reveals an action that must come to play in the life of every believer. We need to be doers of the word of God by accepting every word with faith and utilizing them with practical actions. When you act on God’s word you build faith and you receive more from your actions.   A doer of the word of God is a believer with actions in accordance to what they hear God say through the Holy Spirit and the Word of God; either through an audio message, a telecast, a sermon, a broadcast or a teaching session or a testimony. The bible tells us of a certain woman who suffered twelves years of blood loss (haemorrhage) and how sh...


JUNE 15TH – CAPSULE 15  TOPIC: GRACIOUS WORDS  BIBLE TEXT: COLOSSIANS 4 VS 6 – When you speak the word, speak it gracefully (as it seasoned with salt), so you will know how to respond to everyone rightly (The voice).   Communication is very vital in our  world today, we all need to pass one information or the other across and the way and manner we communicate it matters a lot. For every message to be received by the receiver, he/she must accept what is being transmitted either via oral conversation or via technology and process it to be able to comprehend the available information.  Seasoned words attracts the attention of the heart, as Christ taught the multitudes and his disciples they all listened to His voice because he spoke gracefully. Imagine if Christ went about insulting everyone and condemning them rather than teaching and preaching the truth then no man would have heard Him nor accepted Him into their lives and homes. The Bible describes ...


JUNE 14TH – CAPSULE 14  TOPIC: MAKE A CLEAN BREAK  BIBLE TEXT: EPHESIANS 4 VS 31-32 – Make a clean break without cutting, backbiting, profane talk. Be gentle with one another, sensitive. Forgive one another as quickly and thoroughly as God in Christ forgave you. [MSG] The road to godly perfection (wholeness) leads to holiness from within, as the reflection of every man shows the quantity and quality of what we possess within. As children of God we are representatives of our heavenly father here on earth and to represent Him well, we must make a clean break from every nature of the flesh. The word  of God in Galatians 5 describes various forms of the nature of the flesh. Which corrupts us from within to defile and pollute our hearts. The heart as described in Matthew 15 by Christ Jesus is the point of action where either good or bad comes out from. Judas Iscariot had darkness in his heart and he became a tool (pawn) in the devil’s hand and after his betrayal o...


JUNE 13TH – CAPSULE 13  TOPIC: MAKE PRAYER A LIFESTYLE  BIBLE TEXT : EXODUS 30 VS 7-8 – Aaron must burn sweet incense on it. Every morning, when he trims the lamps, he must burn incense. When Aaron lights the lamps at sundown, he must burn incense on it. It is to be a perpetual incense before the Lord throughout your generations . Growing in the things of the Lord requires consistency in prayers, in studying God’s word and in obedience to His will. Aaron brother of Moses was the High Priest of Israel who followed a constant divine lifestyle that required him to pray every morning, afternoon and evening hours and during any operations that was required of him. He maintained this lifestyle all the days of his life.  Our Lord Jesus Christ came to fulfill the Father’s will and He was successful because He maintained a constant praying life. The goal ahead is not just for 5 or 10 minutes prayers but for a daily flow of intercessions, supplications and much thanksgi...


JUNE 12TH – CAPSULE 12 TOPIC: GET UP AND FIGHT  BIBLE TEXT: 1 TIM. 6 VS 12 – Fight the good of faith (in the conflict with evil; take hold of the eternal life which you were called, and (for which) you made the good confession (of faith) in the presence of many witnesses. [AMP]  Get up and do what’s right (what is righteous), ensure that your battles are against the evil forces fighting your faith and not quarrels and dispute because of things of this world. Many today fight over properties, other people’s wives (widows) and more whereas the battle for righteous living is ignored and forgotten amongst men. Jesus addressed these unnecessary things that confuses the children of God and how to avoid covetousness the spirit behind wrong cravings and fightings. Luke 12 vs 13 -14 – And one of the company said unto him, master speak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me. And He said to them, men who made me a judge or a divider over you? When you  fi...


JUNE 11TH – CAPSULE 11  TOPIC: BE A FRIEND TO THOSE IN NEED  BIBLE TEXT: EPHESIANS 4 VS 32 – Be kind and helpful to one another, tender-hearted (compassionate; understanding), forgiving one another (readily and freely), just as God in Christ also forgave you. [AMP]  Friendship is a way of life to be adopted. As believers we must be our brethren's neighbours and unit of assistance. Christ Jesus calls us friends, that’s why he reveals Himself to us when we come to Him, for salvation and mercy. Every member of the body of Christ must walk in love and to do so we must be kind and helpful to one another both amongst Christians and unbelievers. Our reach is not only to the saved but to those out there in ignorance. (A friend to those in need).  Christ taught on this about a man on transit from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves who stole everything from this man and wounded him, leaving him half dead. And by chance a priest saw him and passed another...


JUNE 10TH – CAPSULE 10  TOPIC: HOW BIG IS YOUR MISTAKE QUOATA?  BIBLE TEXT : 1 CORINTHIANS 15 VS 58 – Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. There’s a righteous zeal in our hearts that ignites a fiery passion for the Lord. But often times during this period we make mistakes and have some errors and these things have discouraged many in the faith. God’s perfection is in truth and acknowledging the errors of life and how glorious the Lord has been to us.  King David was as man after God’s heart; 1Samuel 13 vs 14, the psalmist we all love and talk about in our teaching and preaching of the gospel of Christ. But this lovely child of God had a huge percentage of errors, disobedience and mistakes. He counted Israel when God said no one should, he lusted on Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba and committed adultery and covetousness, he killed Uriah be...


JUNE 9TH – CAPSULE 9 TOPIC: WHEN THINGS FALL APART BIBLE TEXT: PSALM 118 VS 5 – 7: I called upon the Lord in distress: The Lord answered me, and set me in a large  place. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do to  me? The lord taketh my part with them that help me: therefore shall I see my desire upon them that hate me. Job was a righteous man and a child of God but a day came when things fell apart, right before his eyes, this child of God witnessed so much that would have killed so many spiritually and physically, while some would have developed mental instability. Job lost his wealth, animals and children in one day, and even in such state, he remembered the Lord and worshipped him. Are you such in heart? When things go sour and it seems like there's no hope at all! Call upon the Lord, when troubles, pain and sorrow come to flood your home, pray unto the God of Israel and He will answer you. The oppressor is never tired of oppressing, neither i...


JUNE 8TH – CAPSULE 8 TOPIC: THE TONGUE BIBLE TEXT: PROVERBS 13 VS 3 – He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life: but he that openeth wide his lips shall have destruction. It is wise to watch your tongue in every conversation. Every child of God should desire true wisdom that is from above, for by it God Our Father and Christ Jesus operate in. Wisdom teaches the tongue how to operate, speak and keep silent. A certain man lived many years ago and a preacher came to him and thought he was still in his 60s or 70s and asked how he was able to keep the whole of his teeth and still looking healthy and strong. The man replied I am in my 90s, it was a surprise and a shock to this preacher, the man said I will tell you the secret, many years ago I discovered a scripture from the Word of God and I told the Lord that I will l like Him to keep every part of my body complete and He told me to keep my tongue. The secret to long life is to control your tongue. Many have failed to control ...


JUNE 7TH – CAPSULE 7 TOPIC: DON'T STOP PRAYING BIBLE TEXT : 1 SAMUEL 12 VS 23 – Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you. But I will teach you the good and the right way. Prayer is a very essential tool in our everyday lives as Christians. We need to activate a praying heart wherever we go, for it is the will of God for us to live by and to walk in. The Bible records the lifestyles and patterns of various praying men and women of God who through their consistency received answers from the Lord at all times. The book of James 5 vs 16b reveals this much when we pray continuously. The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much. Indeed it accomplishes much in various areas we channel them to. Don’t stop praying for yourself, your family, your career, your education, your marriage, the church, those God place under your care and those God place above you. 1 Thessalonians 5 vs 17 also sounds it clear – ‘p...


JUNE 6TH –  CAPSULE 6 TOPIC: ARE YOU A SECRET DISCIPLE? BIBLE TEXT : JOHN 19 VS 38 – After all this, Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple who kept his faith a secret for fear of the Jewish officials, made a request to Pilate for the body of Jesus. Pilate granted his request, and Joseph retrieved the body (The Voice). The lifestyle of secret disciples who kept their faith in Christ Jesus still exist today, men such as Nicodemus who secretly came for Bible study, night after night to learn the truth from Jesus concerning salvation, redemption and the Holy Spirit in John chapter 3. Nicodemus was popular amongst the Jews and moved in The company of the Pharisees, but realised that he knew nothing when he heard Jesus teach the living Word out in the public, so he craved for such fellowship but was not bold enough until the night hours. Likewise, Joseph Arimathea, who was also wealthy and popular in the country but because he was afraid of the reaction of the Jews he also followed...


JUNE 5TH – CAPSULE 5 TOPIC: TO BE LIKE JESUS  BIBLE TEXT: 2 Corinthians 5 vs 20 – So we are ambassadors for Christ,as though God were making appeal through us; we (as Christ's representatives) plead with you on behalf of Christ to be reconciled to God (AMP). Walking through conception, and delivery shows a process and when the child comes out, he/she looks like either of the parents, likewise, we as children of God having received Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour, we’ve gone through the same process of grace to start living like Christ. It is part of our primary objective to be like Christ in lifestyle, attitude, character and behaviour.  Out there in the world, in your country, your place of work, school or your home, whose representative are you? After your salvation and baptism of the Holy Ghost, are you still living for yourself or for the Lord? To be like Jesus we need to learn who Jesus Christ is, and how He lived on earth, His actions and behaviours. Matthe...


JUNE 4TH – CAPSULE 4 TOPIC: RISE ABOVE YOUR FEARS BIBLE TEXT: Psalm 27 vs 1 – The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Littleness and smallness comes upon a man, as a result of insecurities, inferiority and superiority complex, which are all anxieties and limitations caused by the spirit of fear. A timid child of God cannot rise up to God's expectations and manifestations on earth because of one phobia or the other. Wake up child of God and cast out the spirit of fear from your life and you’ll enjoy the goodness of our God. The whispers of fears creates doubts in believers which opposes the Words of God in our hearts. We need the light of the Lord consistently and we must not forget the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. When you recognize and recall who Christ is and what he means to you, it will take you above fear and into faith. To rise above your fears, you need an increasing faith...


JUNE 3RD – CAPSULE 3 TOPIC: TRUST BIBLE TEXT: Proverbs 3 vs 5 – 6: Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions. With all your heart rely on him to guide you, and  he will lead in every decision you make. Become intimate with Him in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go. Don’t think for a moment that you know it all (TPT) Putting into test an action to determine trust in men, shows absolute failure and frustration. As believers we work with faith, which are facts given, by Our Heavenly Father. While a man will say: ‘I’ll do it for you, don’t worry its going to be taken care of' and you hope on these words but death took the individual and suddenly you fall into depression and sorrow. The only one to trust is God in three Person (The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost). Christ has never failed and will never fail us. Hebrews 13 vs 8 tells us the stand of Christ on trust; that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Put your whol...

Satan's Schemes

JUNE 2ND – CAPSULE 2 TOPIC: SATAN'S SCHEMES BIBLE TEXT: 2 Corinthians 2 vs 11 – To keep Satan from taking advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices. The accuser of the brethren, Satan is looking for whom he will accuse amongst God's children, going to and fro the earth in search of broken edges and cracks on the walls, so he can sneak in or crawl into lives to steal, kill and destroy. Knowing that the devil is a master of schemes, we must not let him have an edge or advantage over us. When believers commit sin or disobey God's given Instructions and the Word of God, we give access to the devil to afflict us. Our Lord Jesus commands us to forgive and do away with anger everyday so we don’t let darkness into our hearts. Amongst the schemes of darkness, there is one found in the lives of believers today, and it is called unforgiveness. This is a cancer, a spiritual virus that paves the way for all kinds of darkness to flood in. Little besetting sins ...


JUNE 1ST – CAPSULE 1 TOPIC: CONTENTMENT BIBLE TEXT: PHILLIPIANS 4 VS 11 (AMP) – Not that I speak from (any personal) need, for I have learned to be content (and self – sufficient) through Christ, satisfied to the point where I am not disturbed or uneasy regardless of my circumstances. When you read through this verse thoroughly you’ll find the truth and it states that, through Christ Jesus I am satisfied no matter what situation and circumstances I find myself. Apostle Paul learned to be content in whatever state or condition he found himself and not to murmur or complain. Instead he enjoyed what he had, be it small or big, he valued the blessings of God. To enjoy the blessings of God, you must first appreciated the love of God. As chiildren of God, we must be confident in the promises of our Heavenly Father. Thanksgiving is a way of enjoying the blessings you’ve got. Don’t be ungrateful because it only leads to unhappiness and discontentment. God's servant, Pastor Mrs...